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Connecting flights – when to choose London Heathrow

London Heathrow Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world – but when is this the optimal connecting airport to pick? Learn more in our guide and find the best flight path through London.

connecting flights london heathrow

If you are traveling between two cities that lack the possibility of non-stop flights, the only way to go is to choose a connecting flight. In many cases there are several connecting airports to choose from, with the different options being more or less convenient.

List of flights where Heathrow is the fastest connection airport

In a number of cases, the best connection is found at London Heathrow Airport – and we can tell you when! In the following list you find a selection of flights where Flightroutes have determined London Heathrow Airport to be the best connecting airport. The list contains flights chosen based on the following criteria:

  • London Heathrow Airport is the fastest flight option by more than 15 minutes compared to a second option.
  • It's a connecting flight with one stop.
  • Both legs are flown by the same airline.
  • There are at least two possible connecting airports but no non-stop options for this trip.

This list was updated on January 2025

From Delhi to Boston
19 hours and 35 minutes
19 hours and 50 minutes
20 hours and 10 minutes
From Milan to Boston
12 hours and 5 minutes
12 hours and 30 minutes
12 hours and 50 minutes
From Glasgow to Lisbon
7 hours and 25 minutes
7 hours and 45 minutes
8 hours and 20 minutes
From Amman to Dallas
18 hours and 10 minutes
19 hours and 55 minutes
20 hours and 5 minutes
From Atlanta to Toulouse
11 hours and 50 minutes
12 hours and 25 minutes
13 hours
From Los Angeles to Belfast
14 hours and 50 minutes
15 hours and 50 minutes
16 hours and 10 minutes
From Glasgow to Philadelphia
12 hours and 5 minutes
12 hours and 45 minutes
12 hours and 50 minutes
From Bengaluru to Dulles
20 hours and 18 minutes
21 hours
21 hours and 45 minutes
From Amsterdam to Jersey
5 hours and 40 minutes
6 hours and 45 minutes
6 hours and 48 minutes
From New York to Johannesburg
19 hours and 35 minutes
20 hours and 5 minutes
From New York to Cologne
9 hours and 50 minutes
11 hours
From Geneva to Jersey
5 hours and 50 minutes
6 hours and 20 minutes
6 hours and 43 minutes
From Glasgow to Gothenburg
6 hours and 30 minutes
6 hours and 45 minutes
7 hours and 55 minutes
From Madrid to Belfast
6 hours and 55 minutes
7 hours and 35 minutes
From Berlin to Belfast
6 hours and 35 minutes
6 hours and 55 minutes
7 hours and 10 minutes
From Los Angeles to Aberdeen
14 hours and 50 minutes
15 hours and 25 minutes
15 hours and 45 minutes
From Belfast to Lisbon
7 hours and 5 minutes
8 hours and 5 minutes
8 hours and 5 minutes
From Jeddah to Dallas
19 hours and 50 minutes
20 hours and 10 minutes
20 hours and 45 minutes
From Atlanta to Dusseldorf
11 hours and 8 minutes
11 hours and 55 minutes
12 hours and 23 minutes
From Belfast to Chicago
13 hours and 25 minutes
13 hours and 40 minutes
14 hours and 5 minutes
From Belfast to Los Angeles
16 hours and 20 minutes
16 hours and 55 minutes
From Belfast to Dulles
13 hours and 50 minutes
14 hours and 5 minutes
From New York to Cologne
10 hours and 35 minutes
12 hours and 15 minutes
13 hours and 15 minutes
From Belfast to Toronto
11 hours and 25 minutes
11 hours and 50 minutes
13 hours and 10 minutes
From Doha to New York
18 hours and 50 minutes
From Singapore to Glasgow
18 hours and 35 minutes
18 hours and 55 minutes
19 hours
From Jersey to Doha
11 hours and 15 minutes
12 hours and 5 minutes
From Belfast to Boston
12 hours and 10 minutes
13 hours and 55 minutes
From Glasgow to Bridgetown
14 hours and 30 minutes
15 hours and 20 minutes
From Phoenix to Vienna
14 hours and 38 minutes
From Jersey to Amsterdam
5 hours and 45 minutes
6 hours and 40 minutes
From Male to Dublin
14 hours and 35 minutes
14 hours and 55 minutes
15 hours and 45 minutes
From Jersey to Geneva
6 hours and 10 minutes
6 hours and 35 minutes
From Basel, Switzerland/Mulhouse to Belfast
5 hours and 35 minutes
7 hours and 5 minutes
7 hours and 40 minutes
From Jersey to New York
13 hours and 5 minutes
From Phoenix to Berlin
14 hours and 25 minutes
15 hours and 45 minutes
15 hours and 48 minutes
From Jersey to Madrid
5 hours and 35 minutes
7 hours and 35 minutes
From Phoenix to Stockholm
15 hours and 10 minutes
16 hours and 25 minutes
17 hours and 15 minutes
From Riga to Dulles
13 hours and 20 minutes
14 hours and 10 minutes
From Dulles to Inverness
11 hours and 50 minutes
14 hours and 10 minutes
From Newcastle to Philadelphia
11 hours and 45 minutes
12 hours and 25 minutes
From Philadelphia to Delhi
18 hours and 20 minutes
19 hours and 5 minutes
19 hours and 55 minutes
From Glasgow to Montreal
12 hours and 10 minutes
12 hours and 45 minutes
13 hours and 45 minutes
From Austin to Dubai
18 hours and 40 minutes
19 hours and 36 minutes
19 hours and 46 minutes
From Seattle to Belfast
13 hours and 50 minutes
16 hours and 30 minutes
From Lisbon to Belfast
7 hours and 15 minutes
9 hours and 25 minutes
From Jersey to Belfast
6 hours and 35 minutes
From Jersey to Lisbon
7 hours and 5 minutes
7 hours and 40 minutes
From Bridgetown to Delhi
19 hours and 20 minutes
20 hours and 25 minutes
22 hours and 19 minutes
From Jersey to Los Angeles
15 hours and 45 minutes
16 hours and 15 minutes
From Newcastle to Montreal
11 hours and 55 minutes
12 hours and 20 minutes
14 hours and 15 minutes
From Bridgetown to Amsterdam
13 hours and 20 minutes
15 hours and 15 minutes
15 hours and 40 minutes
From Belfast to Hanover
5 hours and 30 minutes
6 hours and 15 minutes
6 hours and 28 minutes
From Belfast to Austin
14 hours and 25 minutes
15 hours and 30 minutes
15 hours and 40 minutes
From Bridgetown to Doha
18 hours and 40 minutes
19 hours and 5 minutes
From Inverness to Chicago
12 hours and 55 minutes
13 hours and 45 minutes
From Jersey to Miami
14 hours and 5 minutes
14 hours and 33 minutes
From Inverness to Los Angeles
15 hours and 55 minutes
16 hours and 25 minutes
From Inverness to Dulles
12 hours and 15 minutes
14 hours and 10 minutes
From San Francisco to Belfast
15 hours and 10 minutes
16 hours and 20 minutes
16 hours and 25 minutes
From Doha to Bermuda
17 hours and 35 minutes
18 hours and 20 minutes
From Tokyo to Glasgow
18 hours and 50 minutes
19 hours and 40 minutes
From Dallas to Hanover
13 hours and 50 minutes
14 hours and 25 minutes
14 hours and 55 minutes
From Nice to Jersey
6 hours and 30 minutes
6 hours and 45 minutes
6 hours and 50 minutes
From Toronto to Belfast
11 hours and 30 minutes
13 hours and 18 minutes
From Jersey to Philadelphia
11 hours and 5 minutes
From Jersey to Brussels
5 hours and 40 minutes
6 hours and 25 minutes
From Belfast to New York
13 hours and 5 minutes
13 hours and 45 minutes
From Dublin to Abuja
10 hours and 45 minutes
11 hours and 5 minutes
11 hours and 50 minutes
From Accra to Paris
9 hours and 55 minutes
10 hours and 25 minutes
11 hours and 5 minutes
From Belfast to Dallas
14 hours and 38 minutes
15 hours and 42 minutes
From Belfast to Las Vegas
15 hours and 20 minutes
15 hours and 45 minutes
16 hours and 25 minutes
From Los Angeles to Male
23 hours and 30 minutes
23 hours and 55 minutes
23 hours and 55 minutes
From Inverness to Las Vegas
15 hours and 25 minutes
From Bridgetown to Copenhagen
12 hours and 45 minutes
14 hours and 50 minutes
From Bridgetown to Riyadh
17 hours and 35 minutes
19 hours and 25 minutes
From Vancouver to Belfast
13 hours and 53 minutes
14 hours and 25 minutes
15 hours
From Belfast to Nashville
13 hours and 35 minutes
15 hours and 50 minutes
From Jersey to Oslo
6 hours and 15 minutes
7 hours and 45 minutes
From Doha to Luxembourg
10 hours and 40 minutes
12 hours and 20 minutes
From Phoenix to Gothenburg
14 hours and 40 minutes
16 hours and 5 minutes
From Lagos to Las Vegas
18 hours and 45 minutes
20 hours and 20 minutes
20 hours and 50 minutes
From Bengaluru to Orlando
23 hours and 45 minutes
24 hours and 30 minutes
From Dublin to Lagos
10 hours and 3 minutes
11 hours and 10 minutes
11 hours and 30 minutes

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