Browse by airline

A fast, easy-to-use flight route finder

Type in your origin and destination city and we will give you the best flight route options based on flight time and connection time along with airline and airports delays.

Worldwide flight routes and connecting flights for every airline

"Your perfect tool to find the most optimized connecting flight"

  • All EC 261 / Rule 240 approved flight connections
  • Easy to use and up-to-date schedule information
  • Unique layover experience index and flight delay data
  • Up to 98% worldwide coverage

Popular searches: Houston to Rome, Denver to Auckland, LAX to Johannesburg. Tip: Search for city names, airports or IATA codes.

Number of routes per airline

Airlines sorted by number of active flight routes. Both ways are counted.

Hub activity today

Scheduled passenger take-offs and landings 2025-02-11.

Airline route maps

Search for an airline to show its routes, hubs and connections together with a visually impressive interactive map.

Example: ITA Airways, Delta or British Airways.

Popular routes

Flights with a large number of passengers and their different flight paths.

LAX to JFK flight route map
Los angeles to New York
CPT to JNB flight route map
Cape Town to Johannesburg
JFK to LHR flight route map
New York to London
SYD to MEL flight route map
Sydney to Melbourne

Airlines with the most flights

Select an airline to show more information about its routes and fligts.